Letterland US Trainers Retreat 2020
Every year the authorised US Letterland Senior Trainers gather to catch up with each other, discuss the previous year’s training issues,...

COVID-19 Update - Discounted Letterland Apps for Parents
We have made all Letterland apps on the Apple App Store and Google Play FREE* for a limited time.

COVID-19 Update - Phonics Online 30 Day Free Trial
All Letterland school customers can set up their teachers and students with free access to Phonics Online whilst schools remain closed.

COVID-19 Update From Letterland HQ
We wanted to let you all know how we are responding to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic at Letterland HQ.

Noisy Nick's Percussion
As you know, Noisy Nick loves making noise, but he knows that not everyone has their own set of drums. He thought it would be nice to...

Classroom of the Month - ABCland Club
Woohoo, Letterland's Classroom of the Month is back with some more AMAZING teachers. We can't wait to tell you all about them. So,...